The Birthday Hat

The Birthday Hat

Title: The Birthday Hat Subtitle: Bruce's Greatest Birthday Party Hat Author: Bruce Henry Headlines: "This is the Biggest Party Hat to wear and enjoy it at special events, parties, festivals and carnivals". This hat is made to wear and to keep for fine arts galleries and exhibits. On Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 3:28 AM - E.T., The hat was handmade by Bruce Henry in Hanover, MA, USA. The photo was taken by Bruce Henry. This hat has style to it. This marks the anniversary from the date that was created by Bruce Henry. The hat was decorated with newspapers and flyers to make it look fancy. Note: THIS HAT IS NOT FOR SALE! IT IS ON DISPLAY AS AN EXHIBIT! Posted by Bruce Henry Published by Bruce Henry Released Date: Saturday, June 5, 2021 - 3:28 AM

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