
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Special Presentation of Ash Wednesday (2022)

 Image Title: The Special Presentation of Ash Wednesday (2022) Subtitle:  In My Own Words About Ash Wednesday Headlines: In The Morning, Wednesday Morning, Ash Wednesday Comments: On Ash Wednesday, in the morning, go in to your inner room, shut the door, anoint your forehead with oil, pray to your father in secret. Come out from your inner room, wash your face, comb your hair, so that you would not look like your fasting. But do not fast like the hypocrites do. And when you fast, do not look like you’re fasting. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You are dust and to dust you shall return. This message is always said when receiving ashes on your forehead with a shape of the cross. Fast and repent. There all kinds of fastings. The way we fast is giving up something. It could be anything. It could be one of your favorite things. For example: Music, favorite dish, sweets, a favorite hobby of your ownand much more. It is not easy. It’s hard. Once you commit in it, you can’t break your word. Stic